Alaska Native Foodways

Charity Blanchett talks Akutaq and Black Alaskan Native Foodways by Nylah Iqbal Muhammad

Making "Eskimo" ice cream, or Akutaq, and an interview with Charity Qalutaq Blanchett, a Yup’ik and Black woman, and founder of The Dipping Spoon.

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Sharing my culture and Dipping Spoon Foundation's mission is my vital calling in the world. It is amazing to meet like minded individuals along the way who share your curiosity for the world. I was introduced to food journalist and activist Nylah Iqbal Muhammad by Indigenous Chef Crystal Wahpepah, for a story she was writing on Black and Indigenous foodways. As stories sometimes go, they become tabled or 86'd by editors. Turning Rejection into Redirection, sometimes you have to publish the story yourself!

In my conversation with Nylah follow along as she prepares my mothers recipe for, Akutaq, the western translation, Eskimo Ice Cream, and learns about Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Indigenous and Black Foodways, my unique family and cultural makeup, most importantly, sharing Dipping
Spoon's Why and where our future is headed!


Identity, Access, Representation


The Future of Food Is Indigenous